9:00 AM - Library Opens
9:30AM - Babygarten
10:30AM - Story Time Ages 2-3
6:00PM - Red Hill Writing Group
7:00 PM - Library Closes
Due to the generosity of a UPV Library patron, you now can check out a pass to the Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle in Bucks County. The pass allows four guests admittance to the museum or castle.
The museum was built to house Henry Mercer's extensive collection of objects representing everyday life in the pre-industrial age. Visit after visit, you're sure to find something new.
The castle provides a window into Henry Mercer's unique architectural and artistic vision, this poured concrete estate is comprised of 44 rooms, 18 fireplaces and more than 200 windows.
As with our zoo pass, patrons may check out the pass from the library for 3 days with no renewals. This allows the most people to enjoy the pass while still providing some flexibility. The pass must be returned to the circulation desk (not the drop box.)
Call the library to check availability. We do not hold passes ahead of time.
©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library • 350 Main Street • Red Hill, PA 18076 • 215-679-2020 •