9:00 AM - Library Opens
9:30AM - Babygarten
10:30AM - Story Time Ages 2-3
6:00PM - Red Hill Writing Group
7:00 PM - Library Closes
Launchpads are durable, shelf-ready, touch-screen tablets preloaded with content for children. The interface is easy to use and 100% secure. No wifi or downloads necessary. Simply turn the device on and it's ready to go.
Launchpads are loaded with videos, games, learning apps, and more. Designed for interactive learning and play, Launchpads are a fun way for kids to explore the world.
Education and development are strongly impacted by learning apps, and Launchpads create a safe and fun way for children to learn.
Launchpads available:
Brain Blaster: Critical Thinking
All By Myself: Life Skills
Art Rocks: Creativity
I Think I Can: Steam
Super Science: Science
Launchpads available for use while in the library.
©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library • 350 Main Street • Red Hill, PA 18076 • 215-679-2020 •