9:00 AM - Library Opens
9:30AM - Babygarten
10:30AM - Story Time Ages 2-3
6:00PM - Red Hill Writing Group
7:00 PM - Library Closes
Second Fridays, at 10:00am
Certified Lactation Counselor Gina Smith and IBCLC Lactation Consultant Phyllis Young lead this Mom's Support Group at Upper Perkiomen Valley Library. New, expecting, and experienced mothers are welcome! Come for information, support, advice and encouragement!
The group meets every second Tuesday, at 6:00pm, and every second Friday, at 10:00am.
Registration Not Required
2/14 @ 10:00AM - 11:00AM
©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library • 350 Main Street • Red Hill, PA 18076 • 215-679-2020 •