View of entrance from Bitting Alley (Handicapped Accessable)
View of Front Door from Main Street

Upper Perkiomen Valley Library

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February 10, 2025

9:00 AM - Library Opens

9:30AM - Babygarten

10:30AM - Story Time Ages 2-3

6:00PM - Red Hill Writing Group

7:00 PM - Library Closes

See Full Calendar

Youth Activities >

Kids Create! Local Young Authors Collection

Do you know an elementary aged child who has written a book? Would they like to see it on the library shelves?

We have set aside our bright, blue bookshelf to highlight books local kids have written. We are unable to catalog these titles for listing in the computer, but they will be stickered and available for all to read in the library. The books will not be checked out.

If you would like to contribute a book to the local young authors collection please review the following guidelines:

¤ Authors should be of elementary age (approximately 6-10-years-old)

¤ The title and author's name should be on the front cover. It is your choice to put last name or just an initial. Do not put other personal information in the book.

¤ Books can be store-bought journals or homemade and bound with cardboard, paper, cloth, even duct tape, but no uncovered spiral.

¤ Books can be handwritten, typed, colored, painted, collaged, all pictures, no pictures. We just want to share your story.

¤ Books can be from a school project or just for fun.

¤ No more than two titles per child please.

When a book is submitted it becomes the property of the library. We will sticker and stamp it like we do with our other acquisitions. We will do our best to care for your book, but know that damage and theft do happen. Books will remain in the collection up to two years. We will attempt to return them through the contact information you give us.

©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library   •   350 Main Street   •   Red Hill, PA 18076   •   215-679-2020   •  

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