9:00 AM - Library Opens
9:30AM - Babygarten
10:30AM - Story Time Ages 2-3
6:00PM - Red Hill Writing Group
7:00 PM - Library Closes
Bonsai Gardening
Wednesday, April 16 at 7:00pm
Dave Tettemer will be working on a Japanese beech tree from a nursery that is in a plastic growing pot. He will be trimming the tree and planting it in a bonsai pot and discussing the process of growing and maintaining bonsai.
This program is free and open to the public.
Registration Not Required
Sponsored by: UPV Garden Club, and UPV Library
4/16 @ 7:00PM - 8:00PM
©2025 Upper Perkiomen Valley Library • 350 Main Street • Red Hill, PA 18076 • 215-679-2020 •